art decor prints

Picking Prints & Wall Art

1:57 PMUnknown

I'm on a mission for some pretty, original prints to fill my house. So naturally I started adventuring through my favorite stores and Etsy. I couldn't think of a better way to support my fellow creatives and etsyites. Here are a few of my favorites I've come across. Check out their shops and show them some love!

I'm definitely no interior designer, but I think when you start picking out art and decor that it is important to choose things that speak to you and your home personally and stay away from the trendiness. You want things that you can grow with, even if you don't plan on keeping them around forever.  When it comes to decor I lean towards pretty textures, patterns and the industrial/vintage look. I'm a big fan of crazy color combos also.  My boyfriend is very traditional. While our personal tastes are complete opposites, he usually goes with what I like once he sees how something looks in a room. If we are looking at it in the store or online he completely hates everything I like haha.

When I started looking for art to hang I knew immediately that a cool movie poster was a must have. We are HUUUUUUUUGE movie watchers (especially foreign films or movies in Spanish since that is my boyfriend's first language) at my house, so I wanted to find one that was something we both love but that was really cool visually. I'm considering this one for The Science of Sleep (if you've never seen it, watch it!) or these Wes Anderson inspired prints. What do you think?

I don't get to travel as much as I'd like, but I've known for a while that I wanted a map of a cool place. After returning from my trip to New Orleans last month, I knew that I wanted a map of the city somewhere in my house. These map prints from Jazzberryblue are super cool maps of the city. I may have to snag one of Dallas too from Art House Graffiti!

I'm completely in love with these typographical quote prints by Hey There.  Especially after seeing these Jane Austen, Princess Bride and adventure quotes. They may have been made just for me. And you can't go wrong with a witty conversation starter. I've been looking for something fun and food related for my kitchen. This Thyme To Turnip The Beet print from Happy Letter Shop nailed it on the head I think.

What do you look for in art and prints?

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