Last week was a whirlwind of sickness, photo shoots, thanksgiving shindigs and unfortunately a death in the family. Sadly we lost my Grandmother on my mom's side. :( I don't want to get into that too much but needless to say I'm so happy she's no longer in pain and is with my Grandpa again. Death is never easy.
We had lots of yummy food for Thanksgiving and then the kiddo and I both came down with a strange fever/sore throat/rash combination. Luckily it went away after 2 days but we were miserable. So much for time off aye? I was well enough to make it Friendsgiving this weekend though and it was a blast! I wish I had taken tons of pictures to share but sometimes you just enjoy yourself too much to take pictures.
With the madness mostly over, I'm on a mission to get my house into the Christmas spirit finally. I'm excited to pull out all of my decorations tonight and decorate with the family. I'm thinking about jumping on the Elf On A Shelf bandwagon late this year. Do you have any traditions or things you look forward to this time of year? The thing I'm looking MOST toward is my 3 weeks off that I get each Christmas! Yes, be jealous. We close down the office for almost a month. And it is glorious. I have several movie lists in the making in preparation for that. haha!