dallas featured loot

Loot Vintage Market in Dallas Texas! Come See Gypsy Beard & Tacey Sunshine!

11:16 AMUnknown
I'm stoked to be a part of this years fall Loot Vintage Market at Dallas Market Hall! The event has hundreds of vintage & handmade vendors, live music, food trucks and more! Tacey Sunshine & I will both be there this year.  If you will be around the Dallas / Forth Worth area come see us September 11th-13th! If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you'll automatically...

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back to school featured school

Back To School Shopping With Vans Part 2

6:49 AMUnknown
*Sponsored Post* Every year when we get ready to do back to school shopping, it never fails that my son wants and usually needs a new pair of Vans. They're his go to shoes for life basically. Its that time again and he's narrowed it down to one of these ( I have a feeling we will end up with the shark pair lol): ...

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adventures in design featured life lesson. design

Breaking Up With Clients - Getting Dumped & Dealing With Criticism

9:27 AMUnknown
I'm writing this post from a strange place emotionally. I read a negative comment about my work this morning from a previous design client of mine. *insert womp womp womp sound* It hurt guys. Though it wasn't a personal attack or anything really even all that bad, it still hit me where it hurts the most. Long story short, a few months ago, a long time client of...

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