I felt inspired this year to throw some retro Christmas spunk into my holiday decorating! We typically are pretty tame and typical with our decorations so I'm stoked to do something a bit different. For me it's mostly all about color. My parent's Christmas tree features a lot of ornaments that my Grandmother passed down from my Dad's childhood! It's complete with a retro Life Saver garland and kitschy elves. Maybe one day they'll be passed down to me. A retro lover can dream right?
I'm going with mint green, turquoise, light blue, pinks and lots of metallics this year. As much as I'd love to have one of those old foil Christmas tress, I hear they're very unsafe to use and not to mention somewhat hard to find in good condition! The great thing about incorporating retro decorations is that you can pick up so many great things at your local thrift stores this time of year. Whether its a gaudy santa mug collection, vintage linens, or even a wall of vintage Christmas cards, you can find a lot of pieces if you just look! Here's some great inspiration I've found. I can't wait to knock out the rest of my decorating this weekend! I don't plan to go all out but I definitely want to mix up modern with kitsch! After doing my research I realized that I definitely need tiny deer figurines.
Danielle, from Thompson Family Blog, did a FANTASTIC 55 Days Of Vintage Christmas a while back! There's lots of great kitschy inspiration on her blog if you get the retro decorating bug!

Love your retro tribute. My grand daughter put up her great grandmothers tinsel tree this year. It looks pretty good!