flea market home decor school


1:55 PMUnknown
NEW OBSESSION!This weekend was full of some great highlights such as: STRAWBERRY CHEESCAKE SNOWCONES! Friday evening Nate got a new tattoo. Of course it had to b a pirate/nautical tattoo so he ended up getting a parrot on his shoulder. =) It turned out fantastic so props to that dude! I'll post a picture when Nate gets home from work. I'm itching to get another now! I'm probably...

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art cooking craft

im a dreamer.

11:25 AMUnknown
So I'm a dreamer. I like to make plans, plan trips, and set goals for a lot of things that I probably won't end up finishing or following through with. BUT I love the planning part none the less. Making lists makes me happy. Among the many things I want to accomplish with my life professionally and creatively, learning to tattoo is now close to the top of...

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cleaning clothes conrad

dirty laundry.

7:03 PMUnknown
I ran out of dryer sheets today, and decided "Hey, I don't feel like buying dryer sheets ever again." I remembered an all DIY tutorial I saw ages ago in a magazine or somewhere where you take old fabric scraps or cloths and spray them with wrinkle release or soak them in liquid fabric softener. I grabbed an old baby wipes container and filled it 1/4 the way...

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clothes conrad goodwill

The Corner Thrift Store

9:10 PMUnknown
I woke up to my mother leaving a message on my answering machine asking to keep Conrad for the night. (yay!) So I was excited for some "ME" time to explore and thrift and be lazy. I fixed pancakes and gave the kiddo a bath and got him off to Nana and Pap's house. I started the morning off with NO CLEANING what so ever, and a lovely...

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cleaning garden green

green things.

8:00 PMUnknown
Living green is something my husband and i have been wanting to do for a long time. If we could afford it we would shop completely organic, have solar panels running our home, use organic soap, deodorant and shampoo, grow our own vegetables and fruit and ride our bikes everywhere. BUT that's very expensive and when you live in the country and have a toddler, its hard to...

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babies baby dad


7:32 AMUnknown
Father's are so special. They're superheros, they're pest control when a spider or snake comes near, they're 5 star chefs when its time to cook out, they're best friends out on the boat fishing, they're an understanding ear that never judges, they're wonderful people. =) Now that I am a mommy, it's a much different experience. All of these pictures I put up have my son as a...

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cooking dallas friends

I do not exist, I faithfully exist.

10:17 AMUnknown
Last nights show was life changing. Mewithoutyou has always been my band that I go listen to when I want to sit down, read my Bible and get close with God. Their music stirs up God inside of me and it's awesome! I love it! They always put on a great, energetic, random show. One of the best things about them is they are so humble and would...

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beer best friend cat


12:11 PMUnknown
This weekend was full of all kinds of goodness. I helped two sweet boston terriers find good homes. =) Saturday I got to spend some great time with the best friend adventuring in an unexpected place. The big O.C. not the O.C. that you're thinking of, I'm talking about Oak Cliff. Haha. Now, I grew up in South Dallas as a kid and it got so bad that...

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bands live shows loves

God is love, and love is real.

10:26 PMUnknown
It's been an eventful, wonderful weekend full of sucessful thrifting, adventures with the best friend and creating with the husband. I have much to post but am WAYYY too tired to try and accomplish that tonight. One thing I would like to say is that I'm stoked that I got my old record player from my parents house this morning and have been rocking out all day/evening as...

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actor art bill murray

two years ago..

7:49 AMUnknown
It was rainy just like today.. not the gray skies and thunder kind of rainy either. It was the sun shining and 3 rainbows in the sky kind of rainy day. That's the day that my best friend and I got married. It wasn't a bit thing as we were fresh out of high school with little money. We married in a house with a few family members...

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art beard boston terrier

Lily Monster!

11:52 AMUnknown
This is what I'm jamming today..Just a little update on our lost dog situation. At about 12:30 am last night Nate and I were spread out on the living room floor drawing when Nate looks out the door to the porch and says "No way! It's Lily!" (this part is a bit edited since there were words I'm not comfortable repeating haha.) We went to the door to...

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