
portlandia? how have i missed this lol

7:20 AMUnknown
so i came across the showPortlandia on this morning and just had to share. ive been laughing my bum off for a good 45 minutes now lol. I love that this show kind of pokes fun of the "hipster" movement. its funny, because they're also making fun of me a bit, because i've been guilty of wanting to ship off to portland for a new start and...

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fetish friday

recent loves

7:21 AMUnknown
Things that I have fallen in love with lately...Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole probably my new favorite kids movie. this movie is so great! the animation is beautiful and its about OWLS! lol conrad and I watch this over and over.The Mast Brothers from The Scout on Vimeo.these guys and this video! they make chocolate, which is one of the coolest jobs ever basically....

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treasure hunt

12:23 PMUnknown
peak into my life work space

v 1.0: chronic list making & productivity.

12:11 PMUnknown
im going to start posting "peaks into my life" randomly because i didn't realize it until it was pointed out to me, but i do things very weird or goofy sometimes. im a cluttered mess, but i manage to make it work for me. i laugh at myself on a daily basis lol. but mainly, i want this to be a growing process for me too so that...

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cats shopping

im a cheap shopaholic.

3:03 PMUnknown
iIm a bit over excited about a few of the purchases ive made this week (mainly today) and HAVE to share. i finally bought a new duvet cover for our new king size bed. its ridiculous that we've gone 6 months using a full size comforter for our bed lol. we've been fighting over covers for a while now. Target had one in pink/purple that i really like...

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art artist

new love: Ruth Borum

8:57 PMUnknown
I come across artists via twitter or other blogs that completely just inspire me to create and stir something up inside of me. I found this amazing lady via wayne coyne's twitter.Ruth Borum's work is full of texture and interesting patterns and graphics. I love love love texture!! I'll buy somthing simply for its texture/pattern. It all has a a bit of dark tone to it but at...

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snow day part 2.

8:55 AMUnknown
we've had a great few snow days! we made snow angels and a fort but mostly spent the days cuddled up inside. I had two days off unexpectedly right before my scheduled two days off giving me 4 days to enjoy time at home. I wish I could say that I accomplished something but I didn't lol. We were mostly lazy but we did celebrate my husbands 23rd...

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snow in texas!!

7:52 AMUnknown
its snowing in texas!! now for those of you who aren't familiar with texas, this is a big deal. We get lucky if it snows once a winter. when it does snow its wet and mushy, not soft and flaky. the roads become a sick mess and every school and workplace shuts down just about lol. last winter it snowed probably more than i have ever seen and...

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2011 =)

8:54 AMUnknown
For 2011 I want to start a few new weekly blog features. I'll be keeping Fetish Friday every week but will be adding a couple. i haven't narrowed it down yet but I've got some great ideas! One weekly addition will be "Treasure Tuesday" which will feature thrifted items I've acquired. Another possibility will be a recipe a week. I'd like to find a new recipe to cook...

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