I came across a blog the other day about thanking the people in your life that mean a lot to you in special or unique way (if that was your blog please let me know because I totally lost track of the blog). this sounded like a great idea to me. i like to surprise people and make them feel special, so this week i've had this scheme...
i hope everyone is being safe as they travel these next few days! pray you all make it to and home safely! this week's wish list is more of a "giving" type. things id like for others.ive got christmas on the brain already and like all parents i want to spoil my kiddo so i have some toys in mind..like this little 4 wheeler for conrad to tear...
im studying off and on to become a graphic and web designer. I say off and on because throw a baby in there and moving around and you have complete chaos haha. I started teaching myself HTML and photoshop when i was in elementary and jr high. I kid you not, I was a nerd. I learned by making web sites dedicated to my favorite boy bands like...
kdfjklsjfklsjdfkljsfklsdf. i am so numb, yet im breaking.i get tired and tired and tell myself that im through, that i cant take it anymore.i feel alone and abandoned, and thats one thing, but when its our son its another.its not fair to be selfish.if you only knew, the most important thing you can give us is your time.and that i do not have.you give it to everyone but...
ever since i discovered Mochimochi Land's blog I've been in love. If you have been over there check it out! These are some of the cutest crocheted little items I've ever seen!Also, I'm a bit obsessed with crocheted cat clothing and hats lately.. i mean, they need to stay warm to right? Well this reindeer hat by scooterKnits is perfect!Last night I stumbled across Lauren Moffatt's The Honeymooner...
i actually pulled out all of my holiday decorations today! its not even thanksgiving yet, but this is probably going to be the most exciting christmas so far! conrad is 2 and totally knows whats up and that inside that pretty paper are toys and cool stuff! lol so ive got a few etsy finds that are on my decor wishlist! I have decided that this year I'm...
we had quite a busy weekend with our little family. Saturday we went out for a little bit of a late birthday dinner between nate and i. (my birthday was the first and this is the first time we've been alone lol!) Sunday was the adorable little Adalynn's first birthday! Now it's already decided that Conrad and she have a pre arranged marriage. She is just the cutest...

I"m not sure if you have noticed or not, but the blog is going through a bit of a make over. We'll see where this goes! I apologize for the lack of writing - This cool weather has officially arrived and I've been a little TOO busy reading and renting movies and snuggling on the couch. HA! But I'd like to take an opportunity to share with you...