fashion thrifting vintage

pretty vintage.

9:49 AMUnknown
looky looky what I've managed to gather lately.   I just love, love, love pretty vintage things. like you, I'm sure. And that's why I like you guys too. I couldn't pass on these adorable pins. Most of them pieces will be going into my shop soon, but a few of them are mine! can you guess what the most expensive item was? tata for now! ...

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design fetish friday inspiration

inspiration boards.

7:48 AMUnknown
i have to admit that there's nothing that gets me, being a complete nerd & aspiring graphic designer, as inspired or as giddy as inspiration boards. they're always full of loveliness and pretty pictures. here's a few that i've come across lately that have melted me. Emmadime's recent mood board is so dreamy. i love her personal style. Promise Tangeman's blog is always full of design goodies. she...

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austin traveling

Austin, how i love you.

10:23 AMUnknown
We arrived back home Sunday evening from Austin. it was wonderful. =) we did lots of window shopping (because i extremely disappointed at how over priced everything was) and went hiking and kayaking! Of course we spent quite a bit of time (and money) on sixth street as well. lol. The greatest thing about Austin, aside from the obvious food, music, and fashion, is the atmosphere. The people...

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fetish friday loves

typewriters & pretty photos.

2:34 PMUnknown
its been a while since i've featured a fetish friday post, but it's a bit over due. A lovely shop i came acorss called craftyFOLK. She has the most darling little pins and brooches as well as other cute items. just a few pictures from my new favorite blog: Awesome People Hanging Out Together". It is what the title states, awesome people hanging out with eachother. =) hammocks!...

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austin traveling


8:38 PMUnknown
almost finished packing for austin. =)i believe this trip is going to be dreamy. ...

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adventures in branding art design

adventures in branding

1:55 PMUnknown
Here are a few images, inspiration boards, and collages... (okay let's face it, i made a bit of a design "look book") as proof that i'm accomplishing SOMETHING design wise. it's taken me MONTHS to feel like I've been making any progress because I haven't found anything that's FELT right yet. i've been aimlessly designing so to speak. I'll go further into detail about this particular design process...

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county fair

1:19 PMUnknown
there's something extremely romantic and whimsical about fairs and carnivals. every time there's one in town i get butterflies in my stomach thinking about all the lights, the festive atmosphere and of course the ridiculous amount and variety of fried foods. i'm a strong believe in that it doesn't get much better than in texas. =)last night we took a family outing to the county fair. it was...

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austin traveling vintage

Austin bound....

7:29 AMUnknown
This coming weekend Nate and I are planning a trip to Austin for our 3 year anniversary. It's about a 4 hour drive from where we are but we're thinking about taking a train! i'm so excited! We've been wanting to go back for quite some time now. Austin was a very special place for us when we were younger. We spent a lot of time there together...

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family pets

hot texas days.

9:09 AMUnknown
 we spent most of the day inside, but eventually went out to picnic and play in the water to avoid cabin fever.  the puppies even had fun getting wet. needless to say, we were all pooped by the end of it all.I've been busy still branding/brainstorming and working to plan out "what it is i want to do with my life". i'm pretty dead set on what direction...

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art design inspiration

inspiration dump.

6:55 AMUnknown
I always find such lovely photos over at emmadimes pretty blog. art by amy blackwell.and a new Julia Pott illustration that i adore.i hope you find these pictures as swell as i do. well im off to do that domestic housewife thing. tata for now =)kat ann. ...

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