last week we

4:49 PMUnknown
  Last week we did lots and lots and lots of packing and moving! It was quite a job but well worth it! im a sucker for old houses with wood paneling =) My antiques and vintage furniture compliment the wood walls so well! love it! I've never felt so at home in my life.  Despite having to take cold showers for 3 days until my gas was...

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fashion loves

wardrobe wishlist: handmade summer one pieces

10:26 AMUnknown
  1// Golden Retro Swimsuit by Kooj 2// Charlene Black Halter Swimsuit 3// Victorian Polka Dot Swim Dress also by Kooj I'm not going to lie I've had my plate full these past weeks getting ready to move. (We move tomorrow!) I hope you enjoy these as much as me! I've never been much of a swimsuit gal because I've always been extremely insecure with showing my body,...

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last week we

last week we...

5:48 PMUnknown
in kind of my new way of attempting to document my life with my little family/adventures/daily finds & doings i've decided to start a weekly round up of photos and acommplishments from my week. im hoping to take more meaningful pictures and have more fun doing so. hopefully this will be a great progress tracker for me as well! 1// conrad discovered his love of taking pictures 2// went...

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design inspiration

Design Fetish: Pretty Type & Bad Ass Logos

1:35 PMUnknown
 1.// i love type. everything about Felt And Wire is dreamy. www.feltandwireshop.com2.// i adore everything about this company MIGNON, from their web site and branding to their products ad their packaging! 3.//And this logo for Must Warn Others could possibly be the most amazing logo I've ever laid eyes upon haha4.//I love the entire style of The Mishchief Co 's web site and branding. ...

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letters to art love letters

Letters To Art - Bittersweet Identity Crisis

3:00 PMUnknown
Over the past year or so... the more and more I dive into the design/art world and the more and more talented people I discover the more and more I lose myself. I feel such an obligation to stick inside of the trends and what is popular and happening in the moment. While this may be somewhat of a good thing for a designer to be able to...

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im back!

3:40 PMUnknown

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