shop vintage

11:17 AMUnknown
  Here's a peak at some of the pretty dresses going into the shop when it opens. =) Nothing better than a great vintage dress.  I have a full schedule tomorrow of shopping for more.  Have you ever used the Garage Sale Rover App??? I've discovered so many great sales and thrift stores via this app! Love it! Especially when I'm in a new town and have some...

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adventures photography

adventures in photography

10:15 PMUnknown
  I've been trying to get comfortable with my camera these past few weeks. When I stated researching cameras and lenses and all that jazz it was really confusing and frustrating not knowing very much about any of it. I didn't know what to buy or what lenses to choose and it's all pretty intimidating because you're investing your money into it.. and not just a little but.....

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adventures best friend conrad

dinosaur exhibit

7:11 AMUnknown
  What happens when you put my 4 year son who is obsessed with dinosaurs, ( like knows the scientific name of every single one and whether they are a carnivore or not) my 20 something best friend who is obsessed with dinosaurs and myself who equally adores dinosaurs in a giant dinosaur exhibit? well pure, full on childlike happiness occurs.            This was...

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design life rambles

pigs in satin

3:19 PMUnknown
wow it's been an interesting two weeks... aside from conrad and i both getting sick with strep throat and me getting horrible behind in school , it's been a monumental kind of time. i've got things worked around at work where i'm only working weekends and to where i can focus more on my other jobs. the amount of relief i feel is indescribable. i'm no longer forcing...

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