instalife life

instalife: its been a while!

12:14 PMUnknown
It's be a while since the last instalife post! wow.. I think it was before Thanksgiving! We've been so adventurous lately that I had quite a few I wanted to share.  1. an afternoon spent in the country helping cut/haul wood.  2. Valentine's day treats!  3. My new ZELDA WALLET!  4. We saw the Lego movie! It was a life changing event for Conrad and I both.  5. ...

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design my work studio

Adventures In Web Design: Swat Firearms

7:33 AMUnknown
 The ending of 2013 was crazy busy preparing and working on this web site for S.W.A.T Firearms. I cannot begin to say how rad these guys are! The owner I worked with was basically a dream client and I truly had a blast from start to finish getting to know her and their company. I knew immediately that I was going to be steering towards a metallic and...

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shop valentines day

valentines day love : 50% off in my vintage shop.

6:07 AMUnknown
With love in mind, I'm sending all my vintage lovers out there some! Get 50% off in my shop with code bemine14 . Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Kat ...

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life simplify


8:29 AMUnknown
I was very inspired this morning by the quote and image shared recently on 79 Ideas.  We're fairly settled into our house, I decided to delay moving on with my masters another semester , and I've cleared up most of my freelance work, so its safe to say that life is much more on the calm side these days. YET, I still find myself feeling constantly overwhelmed. Whether...

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family lola snow

Snow Day Deja Vu

9:24 AMUnknown
We had yet ANOTHER snow day and half! If you are from anywhere other than the south then you are probably thinking, "You think you know about a snow day? We've had a snow month..." but in Texas, snow is like seeing big foot. It just doesn't happen that often. We are lucky if we get it once a year. So it was nice to get to miss...

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