It's be a while since the last instalife post! wow.. I think it was before Thanksgiving! We've been so adventurous lately that I had quite a few I wanted to share. 1. an afternoon spent in the country helping cut/haul wood. 2. Valentine's day treats! 3. My new ZELDA WALLET! 4. We saw the Lego movie! It was a life changing event for Conrad and I both. 5. ...
The ending of 2013 was crazy busy preparing and working on this web site for S.W.A.T Firearms. I cannot begin to say how rad these guys are! The owner I worked with was basically a dream client and I truly had a blast from start to finish getting to know her and their company. I knew immediately that I was going to be steering towards a metallic and...

I was very inspired this morning by the quote and image shared recently on 79 Ideas. We're fairly settled into our house, I decided to delay moving on with my masters another semester , and I've cleared up most of my freelance work, so its safe to say that life is much more on the calm side these days. YET, I still find myself feeling constantly overwhelmed. Whether...
We had yet ANOTHER snow day and half! If you are from anywhere other than the south then you are probably thinking, "You think you know about a snow day? We've had a snow month..." but in Texas, snow is like seeing big foot. It just doesn't happen that often. We are lucky if we get it once a year. So it was nice to get to miss...