We have two bathrooms in our new place (insert happy dance). Since my boyfriend and I moved into together we've always shared one bathroom between the 3 of us. Talk about crowded. With a little boy's bath toys and my boyfriends extensive collection of hair gel and cologne, and we haven't even started on my hair products etc... it was a disaster. We're planning renovations on BOTH...
One of the amazing perks of my job (which I'm loving more and more each week) so far is that they allow us to attend conferences related to our field and positions. I'm a designer for the company so I'm super excited to attend my first conference for my company tomorrow! We're not going out of state or anything wild, just to Grand Prairie, but I'm still excited...
If you follow my blog at all you might recall us finally buying a house and moving in a little over a month ago. For the most part we are unpacked but things are not exactly where they need to be yet. I've been strugglinh with doing a little here and a little there but at the end of the day it felt and looked like I had...

It's a new year.. and it seems like everyone is trying to reinvent themselves... eat right.. lose weight.. change old bad habits etc.. It's all incredibly cliche to me... but starting fresh is something that really excites me... I've been thinking about this blog non stop the past few couple of weeks and where to go with it, the overall vibe, content, and who I am as a...