gift guide valentine's day

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas at Gypsy Beard Studio

7:12 AMUnknown
Valentine's Day, being that oh so commercial day of showing others how much you love them, is just around the corner. What a better time to shop local and handmade right? Here are a few items that make great Valentine's Day Gifts at Gypsy Beard Studio. 1. Vintage Cameo Necklace - You can't go wrong with jewelry guys! Vintage jewelry is even better! 2. Beard Oil - The...

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gyspy beard studio look book my photography

Gypsy Beard Vintage Spring Look Book

6:29 AMUnknown
business energy money

Talking About Money - Money Is Energy

7:16 AMUnknown
So. 2015, let's just say that its been rough so far. Financially and personally. The novelty of owning a my own business is wearing off and I feel myself finally caving a bit to the exhaustion of working two jobs 7 days a week. The shop has been open almost 6 months so the "new car" smell has worn off and its really time to start treating it...

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art design featured

Gypsy Beard Studio Art Prints - I Opened An Art Shop!

9:02 AMUnknown
A huge highlight for me at Gypsy Beard Studio is all of the pretty art from local artists. We've been running on empty in the art department lately, so I'm very excited to be able to include some of my own pieces! I've always wanted to open an art/print shop and I've finally been able to. These will be for sale soon in the shop too, but for...

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2014 yearly round up

2014: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

8:32 AMUnknown
2014 was a huge year for me. I took a lot of risks and made a lot of choices. Some bad, and some good and some that I just wish didn't happen at all. But when you take huge risks some things don't always go according to plan right? Ha! I've been going over last year and thinking about 2015 and what worked and what didn't work so...

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giveaway pinup retro beauty school

Win A Seat At Retro Beauty School

11:58 AMUnknown
------EDIT------- The date of this event has changed to February 7th. I posted last week about how excited I was to be hosting my first ever Retro Beauty School work shop. Well if you happen to be local or even if not and feel like driving, we're giving away a seat at our work shop for free to one lucky winner! You can enter below! The more options...

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