Now that we are officially spending more time outside I'm craving a more cozy outdoor space. These gorgeous spaces fit the bill of what I'm going for. I can't wait to start making some changes. I want to incorporate lots of plants but nearly every plant I've had has died so we'll see about that one. Do you have a great outdoor space or suggestions? Share it...
The Itinerary: *lots and lots of camping, bike riding, and fishing. *a trip to New Orleans and hopefully tons of other places *beach trip. (Conrad has been talking about the beach nonstop. He's never been and is so excited to collect seashells and rocks for his MASSIVE COLLECTION.) *over indulging in flea market season! *water balloons, water guns, sprinklers, slip n slides... yeah, all of it. =) Conrad...
A few weeks ago this lovely lady over at Mandarine's bought a pair of sandals from my shop. She graciously featured them on her blog. (Me, dancing like crazy) She is from France so I'm a bit jealous that an item from my shop got to adventure to France but I never have haha. Thanks Melody for the love! They look great on you! Also, her blog is...

On a shop note these are a few of my favorite items in the shop right now =) 1. Vintage Black & White Dots Blouse Size M/L 2. Vintage Red & White "Spectator" Wedges Size 7 3. Vintage Floral & Dots Blouse Size L 4. Vintage "Watercolors" Dress Size 14 5. Vintage Colorful Sandals size 6/7 6. Vintage Town & Country Oxfords Size 10 Lovely blog readers get...
There's only one word to describe this past week... FRENZY! Haha we were in a baby shower planning, crafting, DIYing frenzy! It was so much fun. With that being said, I'm glad it's over. It turned out better than I could've hoped. Mad props to the ladies who were all apart of making it happen. The venue, Blue Mesquite Grill, was inside a historic building downtown. From the...
On a last minute whim last night I was invited to go see She & Him! WHAT! Thanks best friend Jenn! I drove an hour and half through a crazy thunderstorm and got my hair and dress soaking wet, but it was so worth it! It was a small dream come true. It was a great show and I thoroughly enjoyed Zooey D's heavy sarcasm. My camera didn't...
One of my favorite parts of the year and especially summer, is going to the country fair. It's become a tradition to go and take a picture with the giant cow they have there. There's something classic and kind of crazy about the fair. They've been around for such a long time, it almost takes you back. From the intriguing carnies to the eccentric food it's like being...

Last week I came across this cute little bag. Turns out its an old Polaroid instax case. There was not a camera inside but there was someones old photos and the manual for the camera! Its such a treat to come across something so personal and special at a thrift store/ flea market. I almost wish I could find the person they belonged to and return them. When...
Hot Air Balloon Photo Shoot //// could this be any more perfect?
8:45 AMUnknown I do a lot more researching and inspiration hunting than I used to in terms of photography... so when I came across this shoot by Audra Wrisley Photography + Design on Glamour & Grace I almost cried it was so beautiful. Check out the full shoot. It's gorgeous. I am already looking for when the next hot air balloon even is to take pictures of my family. lol ...
A peak into the shop. ...
Since opening the shop "quietly" I had my first sell from someone that I did not know. *happy dance* I haven't been very vocal about the opening because not all of my products (dresses, skirts, blouses) are in the shop yet because of the upcoming photo shoot. So the shop has been open but not really... if that makes sense. Anyways, the first real sell was my opportunity...
Last week has been quite eventful around here. My boyfriends brother was in from out of town staying with us for a few days so we did a lot of cooking (1) (10) including my famous cheesecake! We spent Monday swimming and eating at my parents house for memorial day... needless to say my pasty self got sunburned. (2)(5). We also painted horseshoes and played. (9) I also...