Did you just die of cuteness? Because I did. Meet Lola, or as she has already been nicknamed Lola Bean. Isn't it funny how you pick a name for a pet and it always turns into like 20 variations of that name. (Like my cat Murphy is now Murphsky, Murphster, Munster, and Murphaloop and my other cat Nini is now Banini, loco nini and nini-pie. ) We picked...
This past week I had the honor of doing shooting a pregnancy shoot for my childhood best friend. Nothing feels more nostalgic than traveling to your small hometown (where you know everyone and everyone knows you and your parents) to see an old friend, especially for something as life changing and monumental as a pregnancy and birth of a child. I was super stoked she asked me to...

Getting ready for the slightly cooler weather of fall most of the items in the shop have been marked down and lots of new goodies will be going in every day. =) I'm completely in love with these new dresses. If they were my size I would be keeping them. Just sayin. Haha. I'm hoping to be trying a few new things out on the blog and shop...
Because my boyfriend works a ridiculously crazy schedule (70 hours a week of split shifts, all days and 1-10's) it's really hard for us to find time to get away to do anything that requires much of a commitment. So when we heard about Turner Falls, Oklahoma we were like : "Hey we can swing that!" It's about a 2 and half hour drive for us so we...
My sweet crazy man Conrad, I cannot believe you just turned 5 years old. Wow. While it does seem like time flew by, it also seemed like I remember nearly every day of it. You are truly a boy now with your bugs, legos, superheroes, video games and monsters... but you are still very much my little baby boy. You still love me to read to you at...
Life has been a bit hectic lately... school is about to start for Conrad and I both again... Summer is almost over (what the HECK!!!??) It's been a busy past week getting things ready for conrads birthday party, (more on that later) and I'm honestly feeling a little bummed because I didn't accomplish much of anything that I wanted aside from work. I had great plans for...