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My Kindle Reading List For Bloggers, Freelancers, Designers & Romantics

1:29 PMUnknown

I'm a huge reader when I have the time. And even when I don't have the time I will put everything else off and make time to get lost in a good book. Most summers we spend a lot of time at the library. Unfortunately this is the first year that I've had a 9-5 kind of job so unless we go Saturday afternoons, we don't go at all.

Enter my fantastic Kindle Fire. Since I acquired this baby I've used it like crazy. Because let's face it, who wants to (get out of their PJs/Shower/Get Decent) go find a book store and hunt down what you are looking for when you can have it NOW. I do love going to book stores, don't get me wrong. I love the peace and quiet and the idea of stumbling upon an incredible book. But with an almost 6 year old it just doesn't happen that often anymore.

Here's what I've been reading and loving lately:

I own hardback copies of over half of these books. But I love them so much that I also wanted a kindle version so that I could easily have access to them whenever I need some blog inspiration or freelance ideas/motivation.

1. Creative Inc

This book is all about pushing you to do what you love and how to grow your business. With a degree in the advertising field I can easily say that this teaches you a lot about how to market yourself and succeed. I get so excited reading and RE-reading these books when I'm starting a new project or in a creative slump.

2. How To Blog For Profit Without Selling Your Soul

If you are a blogger, and chances are that you ARE, this blog is golden. I bought it a few weeks ago when I began thinking about monetizing my blog. It helps you define the line of making a profit from your blog without turning into a complete sell out or losing what makes your blog so special. If you are thinking about selling ads or monetizing your blog or you already do this is a very good read.

3. My So Called Freelance Life

Another book that has been a big influence and guide in the past few years of my freelance journey. With everything from how to quit your day job and market yourself to dealing with finances and bad clients, this book gives you the down and dirty and all of the good of being a freelancer. This has also been a huge help with my blog.

4 & 5. Grow Your Handmade Business & The Handmade Marketplace

If you sell crafts or own your own business online or in retail you NEED to read both of these books by Kari Chapin. Both of these books are basically my business/creative bibles. I've read them both cover to cover several times and am constantly referring back to them for adverting ideas. I can really relate to the authors point of view and I enjoy her writing style. She seems like someone I could easily be friends with. I love her so much I joined her mailing and have taken a few of her courses/workshops.

6. The Anti 9 To 5 Guide 

This book played a HUGE part in my planning and preparation to starting my own business. Before I took the leap to quitting my last job this book and I were BFFs. It's full of all kinds of great advice to help you plan financially and sell yourself as a business. The author's idea is to help you "escape the cube" or job that you hate and follow your dreams, but being smart while you do it.

7, 8 & 9. The Marie Antoinette Series by Juliet Grey

Oh my goodness. I'm a sucker for anything that is a period piece or historical fiction. This book fills all of those places for me and then some. I've always loved Marie Antoinette and been interested in her life. These books show the side of France & Austria that we wouldn't have imagined. Her INCREDIBLE attention to detail and descriptive writing literally sucks you in. I'm on the second book currently and will be really sad when I finish the series. If you love historical drama this is a must read.

10. The Fault In Our Stars

Last but not least. I haven't started reading this YET but I did go see the movie last week. And yes I cried like every other person with a Y chromosome. It was GOOD. So I'm going to take a crack at reading the book because, of course, books are always better than the movies.

What are you reading?! I'm always looking for new reads!

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