Welcome to part 3 of my Vintage Hacks feature! In my limited vintage adventures, great vintage jeans and bell bottoms just aren't that easy to find. Maybe it's my location or maybe it's such that they didn't survive the test of time like dresses did. But when you do find a great pair of flared high waist jeans, they are a wonderful thing to behold! Not only is...
australian cattle dog
Meet Hank The Australian Cattle Dog / Heeler - Our Newest Addition
10:46 AMUnknown I was digging through my cameras SD card and came across the adorable photos from the day we got this sweet guy and realized I hadn't shared ANYTHING about him here on the blog. There's always room for cuteness here right? Long story short, a friend of mine found this cutie rummaging around in the trash outside of Wal-Mart. She posted his picture on Facebook hoping to find...