fit and happy Health mental health

Fit & Happy - Whatever Easter Candy! & Walking

7:25 AMUnknown
Well hello there! Its been a few weeks. I have to admit, I almost dread the posts now because of my lack of progress and actually effort into losing weight. Ha! I've had some revelations though. In case you've missed it, each (most) Tuesday I'm writing my goals and recapping the previous week's goals in my journey towards mental and physical health/happiness. You can find the previous posts...

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flea market fleastyle market

FleaStyle Recap

7:19 AMUnknown
Last weekend was Fleastyle! It was chaotic and busy! Soooooo many people! It was such a blast though! It rained most of the day during setup and even on the day of the market but it still went as easy as it could. I finally have a good process down for loading in. EVERYTHING in my booth fits in the back of my hatchback coupe! I met lots...

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featured personal self love

Self worth. Take a chance on me.

9:13 AMUnknown
Let's get personal again. This is an open letter to everyone to encourage you to try to push aside your preconceived judgements.  Don't just me based on only my appearance. Do not judge anyone solely on that. Give everyone a chance. That guy you've been brushing off because he doesn't look trendy enough... take him up on coffee. The quiet girl working alone... she's probably nice..maybe its just...

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home home decor office

Multi Purpose Work Space Inspiration / Design Studio Inspiration

8:43 AMUnknown
The last time that I really put much thought into creating a work space, it was with my old brick and mortar location in mind. Now, I'm working with my house and aiming for both a design / art studio. Luckily I have an actual designated office space. One of the perks of older homes that I like are the quirky layouts. My office is a long room...

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featured fleastyle market

Lovely Vendor Alert - FLEASTYLE DALLAS, TX

8:05 AMUnknown
This weekend is FLEASTYLE, one of my favorite markets that I pop up shop at. I have to admit, I'm a bit scared this time. Not because I'm nervous about my booth or anything... but because I'm worried I'll come home broke after buying all the amazing things from the other vendors. I'll be honest, some of the markets I've participated in haven't exactly had the crowd /...

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engagement featured my photography

Engagement Shoot With Jenni & Mat

7:33 AMUnknown
Do you ever have those friends or people you knew from back in the day that you just genuinely care for and hope their lives turn out wonderful? Meet my friends Mat & Jenni. These two are just that for me. Mat and I ran around in the same circles in high school and he was always kind of a brotherly friend. So when I saw that he...

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