When heading into this project I knew, from a photographer's point a view, that your clients, work and locations are very diverse and ever changing. Keeping this in mind I wanted to create several different logo/watermark options to fit any occasion or person that she could be photographing. The top image was all the logos I presented her in white over a photo to show the "idea". She ultimately ended up picking a few of them, but I still wanted to present her quite a few options.
I had a lot of fun with this project since Jamie and I share similar tastes in just about everything it turns out. I was like designing for myself, only easier because I can NEVER decided on anything for myself haha. Usually I spend a lot of time sketching first, but I hardly did this time. I just dove into it in Illustrator. I knew immediately what colors, fonts and shapes I wanted to start with and it all evolved from there.
Well hope you enjoy another peak into my work life.