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Branding with Endy Pics Photography

9:45 PMUnknown
When heading into this project I knew, from a photographer's point a view, that your clients, work and locations are very diverse and ever changing. Keeping this in mind I wanted to create several different logo/watermark options to fit any occasion or person that she could be photographing. The top image was all the logos I presented her in white over a photo to show the "idea". She...

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blog life my work

Eeep! Gypsy Beard was nominated for a Liebster Award!

8:46 PMUnknown
Eeep! I was stoked to be nominated by the lovely Alexandra of POLKA DOTTED PIXELS for a Liebster award last week! Are you wondering what a Liebster award is? Well I was too! According to We Loved Here, “The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest,...

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home decor house shopping

Things My Dream Home Will (hopefully) have:

10:23 PMUnknown
A window seat: for quiet moments with books or story time. Lots of vintage charm, particularly stained glass windows, old hardwood floors, clawfoot tub etc.. A dreamy studio space. A decent sized yard for forts, tree houses, a garden and finally a dog. A great porch for mornings/evenings drinking coffee and tea with people that I love. A garage for my handsome man to do his "working on...

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etsy shop vintage

I've Got The Blues

7:53 PMUnknown
 It's been another busy week here in the Gypsy Beard Shop =) We've got great vintage western shirts and pretty vintage dresses. And anyone remember the great rompers and skorts of the 90s?! Check them out in the shop.  Back to work now. Kat ...

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giveaway life shop

Giveaway Winners!

9:51 AMUnknown
Also we have our 2 winners of the giveaway contest! Congrats to Nadya & Jessica! Check your email ladies! Happy shopping! Excuse me for being so m.i.a this week. It's been busy!!!! I've been trying to get things ready for my son and I both for school, trying to plan our upcoming vacation,  planning little man's 5th birthday and lots and lots of WORK. I can't complain about...

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family fireworks lake

Summer Lovin' Pt. 2

7:06 AMUnknown
I feel like I've been posting a lot lately. Ha. I just feel so pumped about the blog lately... I'm meeting a lot of great ladies lately and thanks to the AMAZING Texas Women Bloggers Group that I joined, I feel even more passionate and excited about where things have been going lately.  If you are from Texas I cannot stress enough how much you will love being...

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conrad everyday life family

InstaLife - Last few weeks we....Lake, food, giveaway

10:24 AMUnknown
To sum it up quickly, the past few weeks have been eventful with the 4th of July and what not. So here's an every life summary of the past few weeks. Lots of cooking out, spending time at the lake, reading, fireworks, dessert, visiting with friends from out of town (and their cute babies!), hosting my first giveaway on the blog (which is still open for a few...

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design graphic design illustration

In My Studio: Murder Dolls Illustration

9:34 AMUnknown
I mentioned a while back about checking out the local roller derby team in my town... well since then I've gotten to know a few of the great ladies and I hinted at how I'd love to work with them... and we ended up working something out. Well here's the first draft for a logo I did for the newest team in the league, The Murder Dolls". It's...

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books kari chapin library

life in a library

8:56 AMUnknown
Conrad and I have been spending A LOT of time this summer and I've been spending even more time reading.  I've come across so many great creative and business books by great ladies.  This book, Growing Your Handmade Business, in particular has blown my mind and I've haven't been able to get my nose out of it. I purchased her previous book Handmade Marketplace and loved it as...

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4th of july family food

Summer Lovin'

8:47 AMUnknown
It's definitely been feeling like summer lately! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I know we did! We spent our 4th with my parents at this awesome spot at the lake.  It's a park that hasn't opened up completely yet but luckily my dad kind of  knows the people. We were out on this peninsula on a "beachy" area and fireworks were going off on...

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4th of july giveaway the shop


11:52 PMUnknown
In celebration of the 4th of July & Summer I'm hosting my first giveaway from the shop! TWO beautiful ladies will be able to win $30 Gift Cards towards any item(s) in the shop. =) Enter below!  a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy 4th of July all of you lovely people. Kat  ...

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design inspiration loves

design love: BRAD WOODARD

9:46 PMUnknown
I fell in love with this fellow BRAD WOODARD's web site design via pinterest... his whole portfolio makes me smile. All of those gorgeous colors and his illustration style are brilliant. Mad props sir, mad props. =) Check out his site for more of his incredible work.  I'm really considering taking his online Digital Illustration: Communicate with Color, Pattern and Texture course at some point in the future....

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