back to school fashion modcloth

Back To School For He & Me With Toms, Vans & Modcloth

8:58 AMUnknown
Remember the days when you were young and it was time for back to school shopping? I definitely didn't have a wealthy upbringing so I learned to work hard for the things that I needed and wanted. I worked nearly full time at the local Dairy Queen and waiting tables at another restaurant most of high school as soon as I could drive. Back to school shopping was...

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back to school goals happy

Kicking (BAD) Summer Habits

10:22 AMUnknown
If you have a kid going back to school than you know that those couple weeks or week before school you realize all the habits you've picked up over summer like staying up late, sleeping in, skipping breakfast, eating dinner late or even the scarier ones like not brushing your teeth until 1 PM. I can't tell you how many times we've be walking out there door around...

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shop tutorial vintage

Vintage Hacks - A New Feature: How To Make Vintage Work For You

9:38 AMUnknown
Last week I posted on Facebook and Instagram a very simple "4 Ways To Wear A Vintage Scarf" mini tutorial. I couldn't believe the amount of likes, comments, questions and shares I received!  And thinking about all the wonderful and lovely people that I've been meeting in my shop and online,  I've realized something. Just about everyone loves vintage clothing, accessories and home decor but half the time...

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motocross my photography photography

X-Metal Rider's Shoot With Johnny Obando & Jhonathan Dominguez

12:27 PMUnknown
I apologize for all of the photos but I can't even begin to say how excited I was about doing this shoot. A couple months back my son and I went to check out their show in our town and I decided it would a good chance to take some cool photos. Well I ended up talking with two of the guys who were local and one thing...

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1 year lydia my photography

Circus Themed 1 Year Photo Shoot

12:16 PMUnknown
A few weeks ago we did this fun shoot on the back patio before the shop opened. I was super excited to do something cool with the space and it ended up being a huge success I think! We knew we wanted a bit of a circus theme and her mom worked really hard on her cute top hat. Happy first birthday to my sweet niece Lydia! We...

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grand opening shop studio

InstaLife Lately : Grand Opening Shindig

8:34 AMUnknown
Here's a little round up of some Instagram photos from last weekend grand opening! It was such a blast! I met a lot of wonderful people and we just had a plain old good time! We had some yummy food and a fun Photo Booth area set up! You can check out more photos on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook using hashtag #gypsybeardstudio . If you came last weekend...

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contest giveaway shop

And The Winner (Of The Gypsy Beard Studio Gift Card) Is....

2:03 PMUnknown
and the winner is... CRYSTAL A.! Congrats! You won a $25 gift card to shop online or in store! Check your email for details on your prize. I have tons to show you from our grand opening shindig so brace yourself! It was a wonderful night  full of wonderful people.  Happy Monday all! Kat ...

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