branding shop talk small business

Branding, Social Media & Startup Tips For Small Businesses Round Up

9:16 AMUnknown
Over the past couple of years I've learned a lot on the business front. I've failed, I've succeeded, I've gotten burnout, as well as really pumped about the directions things have gone. And of course I've blogged about it haha! For those who are new to the blog, I figured I would round them up into one post of small business branding heaven. This is advice from my...

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Christmas featured goals

End Of The Year Goals - Refining, Reflecting, Reevaluating

7:33 AMUnknown
Every year our office shuts down for about 2 1/2 weeks coinciding with the schools being closed for Christmas vacation. It's hands down my favorite time of the year. Christmas, no work, food, lazy days, movie marathons... need I say more? We spend lots of times playing with the goodies Santa left and eating way too many Christmas cookies. ...

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design design packages my design work

Calling All Clients - 2016 Is The Year To Take Your Project Up A Notch!

7:26 AMUnknown
 Looking back on 2015 it's been a big year for me with my personal & business endeavors. My business is grown and morphed into something I love with all of my heart and that is insanely exciting. I've worked with some incredible businesses and individuals and watched them flourish. It's so rewarding helping others further their dreams and give them the tools they need to be successful.  ...

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design featured my design work

Student Graphic Design Work

11:32 AMUnknown
If you follow along here you may remember me mentioning going back to this past semester in pursuit of my masters degree. I just submitted my last assignment for my last class of the semester! Squueeee! I thought it'd be fun to share some of my student work from this past semester.  I wish I could say that most of these assignment's WEREN'T turned in 2 minutes before...

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Christmas featured holiday fashion

Christmas Style at Gypsy Beard Vintage

9:07 AMUnknown
Christmas themed vintage is always guaranteed to either be fabulously chic, or insanely quirky in a mostly good way. Hunting for the best ugly Christmas sweaters and New Year's Eve worthy items is always tough, especially with the popularity of ugly sweater parties now!  Here are few of my favorite items this year to help you celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve in vintage greatness. ...

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featured indoor skydiving instagram

Instalife Lately - Where Holidays Collide Apparently

6:47 AMUnknown
Christmas christmas playlist featured

Gypsy Beard Untraditional Christmas Playlist

8:02 AMUnknown
Fit & Happy Tuesday fitness Health

Fit & Happy Tuesday 1.4 - Baby Steps

7:19 AMUnknown
We are in week 4! This week is titled baby steps because I feel like that's what all major changes and goals are composed of. Lots and lots of baby steps. In case you've missed it, each Tuesday I'm writing my goals and recapping the previous week's goals in my journey towards mental and physical health/happiness. You can find the previous posts here. So here's how it went...

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maternity photo shoot my photography photography

Chris & Cristina Pregnancy Photo Shoot

9:00 AMUnknown
I had the pleasure of taking pictures for a coworker a couple of weekends ago. We barely made it before sweet Riley's birth. She was born just a few days after we took these photos! ...

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Christmas decorating featured

Retro Christmas Decorating Inspiration

8:13 AMUnknown
I felt inspired this year to throw some retro Christmas spunk into my holiday decorating! We typically are pretty tame and typical with our decorations so I'm stoked to do something a bit different. For me it's mostly all about color. My parent's Christmas tree features a lot of ornaments that my Grandmother passed down from my Dad's childhood! It's complete with a retro Life Saver garland and...

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Fit & Happy Tuesday fitness Health

Fit & Happy 1.3 - Week 3 Regrouping....

8:13 AMUnknown
It's week 3! Thanksgiving wasn't as overindulgent as it could have been so I'm giving myself big brownie points there. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Sadly, mine was quite lonely. Normally I spend the day with my family but this year my son was with his Dad's side of the family and we didn't do our usual family get together. I had Thanksgiving with my...

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cyber monday etsy sale

Cyber Monday Vintage Sale 50% Off + Free Gift

7:12 AMUnknown
Black Friday is over but you can still save big on vintage today! Get 40% off + a FREE GIFT w/ code CYBERGYPSY15.   Head on over to the shop for one of a kind vintage pieces. I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. I know I enjoyed my 5 day weekend! ...

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black friday featured sale

Gypsy Beard Black Friday Sale - 50% off Everything Thru 11/30

9:14 AMUnknown
Gypsy Beard is having a 50% OFF EVERYTHING SALE! Swing over to THE SHOP and check it out! Must use code "BLKFRDY15" at checkout to receive your discount! Happy shopping everyone! ...

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family featured life

Wild & Free

8:44 AMUnknown
featured Fit & Happy Tuesday fitness

Fit & Happy Tuesday 1.1 Week - 2 Feed Your Soul

7:44 AMUnknown
Last week I decided to start a new featured called Fit & Happy Tuesday geared towards motivating myself to get healthy mentally and physically and for tracking my progress and goals. Last month I laid out my long term goals as well as goals for this past week. It's helped having these goals in the back of my mind as I go throughout my day to day life....

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featured Fit & Happy Tuesday fitness

New Feature - Fit & Happy Tuesday 1.0 Getting Fit & Happy

9:12 AMUnknown
dallas deep ellum featured

Deep Ellum Outdoor Market in Dallas, TX

9:03 AMUnknown
I wanted to squeeze in these last two markets before the end of 2015! The Deep Ellum Outdoor Market is something I've been wanting to be a part of for quite some time so I'm very excited! You can come see us November 21st from 1:30 - 5:30 PM as well as December 19th from 12 - 5 PM in Deep Ellum right on Main St.My friends and...

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beauty shop featured fort worth

Vintage Photo Shoot With Beauty Shop Fort Worth & Gypsy Beard Studio

10:14 AMUnknown
A while back I shared with you guys my excitement to be a part of a wonderful photo shoot with Beauty Shop Forth Worth. The final photos are up on their blog and I'm in love! ...

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birthday featured life

26 Before I Turn 27 - Yikes!

7:32 AMUnknown
It's that time of year again! (Eeeek! It's so daunting thinking about being another year closer to 30!) As with tradition I make a yearly list of things to do before my next birthday. Last years list was quite epic! I've accomplished a lot of things personally and professionally! I'm doing things daily in my shop and business that I never would have imagined I'd be doing. One...

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featured halloween music

Gypsy Halloween Playlist with Spotify

7:33 AMUnknown
I was inspired by Corinne Alexandra, who blogs over at Stuck With Pins, and her amazing Fall / Halloween playlist! Her playlist put me in the Fall zone. When my shop was open I had an epic playlist for every holiday. I felt the need to fine tune my Halloween one and share it with you. I included several of the songs from hers because she had fabulous...

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featured life life lesson

Life. & What Is The Ultimate Journey

2:49 PMUnknown
I feel like I've sat down and written or attempted to write this post in some form at least a dozen times. Can we get real about life for a minute? I think my generation and those older than me were raised with this preconceived idea of what success is. Its some combination of the "dream job", the mortgage,  the family, the picket fence and new car every...

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featured market mobile shop

Gypsy Beard at The Dallas Flea November 7th

1:29 PMUnknown
I'm unbelievably stoked to share that we will be setting up shop at The Dallas Flea November 7th! The Dallas Flea is a carefully curated market featuring handmade pieces, vintage, antiques and food. The owner, Brittany Cobb, whom we met at LOOT in September, is the incredibly talented genius behind this event.  It is by invitation only that you can be a part of this event so we...

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bridal shower featured life

Bridal Shower at The Ashen Rose in Downtown Greenville, Texas

7:35 AMUnknown
bus featured life

School of Life Bus - A Tiny Home In The Process + Photo Shoot

7:34 AMUnknown
booth featured Loot Vintage

Loot Vintage Market Fun With Gypsy Beard & Tacey Sunshine Designs

8:26 AMUnknown
The weekend before last my good friend Christy at Tacey Sunshine Designs & I popped up shop at Loot Vintage Market at Dallas Market Hall! It was 3 fun days of learning and meeting lots of lovely people! This was technically my first big market to be involved with so I was incredibly nervous and not very sure what to expect. I've done flea markets and had small...

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fall fashion featured

Fall Fashion Inspiration - Velvet, Copper, Stripes, Tulle & Mustard Yellow!

1:53 PMUnknown
Blame it on Pinterest, but I'm just IN LOVE with all these colors and styles I'm seeing for Fall!  Tights, velvet, mustard yellow, coppers, browns, leather! Okay, I'm drooling. I felt the need to gather some pretty pictures, because well, pretty pictures make everyone happy? Also, I've become slightly obsessed with finding a tulle skirt! Because all girls have a LITTLE ballerina in them right? Sources: Pink Tulle...

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dallas featured loot

Loot Vintage Market in Dallas Texas! Come See Gypsy Beard & Tacey Sunshine!

11:16 AMUnknown
I'm stoked to be a part of this years fall Loot Vintage Market at Dallas Market Hall! The event has hundreds of vintage & handmade vendors, live music, food trucks and more! Tacey Sunshine & I will both be there this year.  If you will be around the Dallas / Forth Worth area come see us September 11th-13th! If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you'll automatically...

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back to school featured school

Back To School Shopping With Vans Part 2

6:49 AMUnknown
*Sponsored Post* Every year when we get ready to do back to school shopping, it never fails that my son wants and usually needs a new pair of Vans. They're his go to shoes for life basically. Its that time again and he's narrowed it down to one of these ( I have a feeling we will end up with the shark pair lol): ...

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adventures in design featured life lesson. design

Breaking Up With Clients - Getting Dumped & Dealing With Criticism

9:27 AMUnknown
I'm writing this post from a strange place emotionally. I read a negative comment about my work this morning from a previous design client of mine. *insert womp womp womp sound* It hurt guys. Though it wasn't a personal attack or anything really even all that bad, it still hit me where it hurts the most. Long story short, a few months ago, a long time client of...

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featured floral crown flower crown

Photo Shoot with Tacey Sunshine - Floral Crowns & Feather Head Dresses

8:28 AMUnknown
I feel like things have been bustling lately. I've never used to word "bustling" before, but it feels very appropriate. Lots of exciting things are happening and in the works. I've been collaborating with so many amazing people lately and I'm feeling like this is just the beginning. Hopefully!  Anyhoo, I shared the rad new logo that I worked on with the amazing lady over at Tacey Sunshine...

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